version: '3.7' services: kener: image: rajnandan1/kener:latest # assuming this is final namespace/image container_name: kener environment: - TZ=Asia/Shanghai #- GH_TOKEN= #- API_TOKEN= #- API_IP
# If running on a LINUX HOST and not podman rootless these MUST BE SET # run "id $user" from command line and replace numbers below with output from command #- PUID=1000 # gid #- PGID=1000 # uid
### Most likely DO NOT need to change anything below this ###
#- PORT=3000 Port app listens on IN CONTAINER
### If any of the below are changed make sure the bound volume is correct as well ### #- CONFIG_DIR=/config #- PUBLIC_KENER_FOLDER=/config/static #- MONITOR_YAML_PATH=/config/monitors.yaml #- SITE_YAML_PATH=/config/site.yaml
- name: Google Search description: Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. tag: "google-search" image: "/google.png" api: method: GET url: - name: Svelte Website description: Cybernetically enhanced web apps tag: "svelte-website" api: method: GET url: image: "/svelte.svg" - name: Earth description: Our blue planet tag: "earth" defaultStatus: "UP" image: "/earth.png" - name: Frogment description: A free openAPI spec editor and linter that breaks down your spec into fragments to make editing easier and more intuitive. Visit tag: "frogment" image: "/frogment.png" api: method: GET url: